
Music students are encouraged to apply for scholarships, 哪些是根据成绩颁发的, auditions, and need. Students may qualify for multiple scholarships.

Prospective music students should apply for the 成就奖学金 由沃拉沃拉大学提供. It is one of the largest scholarships available, 取决于GPA或ACT/SAT成绩, and should be considered in a student’s complete 经济援助计划 when calculating the total cost of a college education. Special scholarships for transfer students are also available. For more information about all university-wide scholarships please visit theweddingringblog.com/scholarships

University Days Scholarship Auditions

这些试镜(每年在u - day期间举行)旨在将申请人介绍给音乐系,并提供高达6美元的音乐奖学金,000 a year. University Days scholarships for wind, brass, percussion, 在沃拉沃拉大学注册时,参加管乐交响乐团或交响乐团的弦乐演奏者将获得奖励. 参加大学唱诗班和声乐课程的歌手可获得奖项. 获得大学奖学金的键盘手将参加课程并担任部门伴奏. 获得大学奖学金的吉他手也将参加课程.

海选将在2024年3月8日或4月8日的春季u日期间举行. 3月U-Days试镜申请截止日期为2月25日,4月U-Days试镜申请截止日期为3月24日. 如果你住在离沃拉沃拉超过200英里的地方,你可以在3月31日之前提交在线试镜. 请将意见书寄至 music@theweddingringblog.com.


  • 考生应准备两首不同风格和时代的曲目,代表他们的演奏/演唱水平. 每个选择不应少于3分钟,不应超过5分钟. Excerpts from longer works are acceptable.
  • Scholarship recipients will be notified after April 18.
  • Scholarship availability for all applicants cannot be guaranteed.


慷慨的捐赠者已经为网上博彩澳门银河项目的音乐学生提供了奖学金. Consideration for these awards takes place each year in the Spring, and the recipients are announced during the 奖励社区 在春季期间. Eligibility for these awards is based on student ability and achievement, 证明需要, and the guidelines provided by each endowment. 


这项奖学金是由音乐系设立的,以纪念布莱斯·欧文,她在沃拉沃拉学院开始了她的音乐生涯,担任钢琴教练. She taught for more than 80 years until she passed away at 101 in 2000. 除了教学, 欧文在西北大学获得硕士学位,在伊士曼音乐学院获得博士学位, one of the first two women to do so. 她创作了自己的音乐作品,她的许多作品都获得了奖项. 她在安德鲁斯大学度过了她职业生涯的后半段,并一直经营着一家私人钢琴工作室,直到1997年. This scholarship is awarded to female music majors.

Clarence O. 特鲁比音乐奖学金

这项奖学金是以克拉伦斯·特鲁比的名字命名的,他在1948年至1955年期间指挥了WWU乐队. In addition to directing and developing WWU’s band, Trubey was a euphonium player who enjoyed playing in bands himself. 在大学期间,他建立了第一个音乐教育学位课程. This scholarship is awarded to music education majors, with preference for students interested in band directing.


This scholarship endowment was created to honor Dan Shultz, former WWU Music Department Chair and professor. He came to Walla Walla from his previous position at Union College, 2000年退休前,他担任系主任长达21年. 除了教学, Shultz founded the 国际 Adventist Musicians Association, served on the Walla Walla Symphony Board of Directors, 并为音乐教科书提供咨询. This scholarship is awarded to music majors.

Gene and Betty Soper 音乐奖学金 

这项奖学金是由沃拉沃拉谷居民吉恩和贝蒂·索珀创建的. 他们都不是基督复临安息日会信徒,也没有参加过世界大学,但他们都是优秀音乐的支持者. Gene Soper served on the Walla Walla Symphony Board of Directors, 在那里他看到了WWU对交响乐团的经济贡献以及教职员工和学生的参与. soper夫妇选择通过支持WWU音乐学生来纪念这些贡献. This scholarship is awarded to music majors.


这项奖学金是音乐系为了纪念格伦·斯普林而设立的, 在WWU教了36年书的人, the longest tenure for any music teacher at the school. Spring received numerous commissions and awards for composing music, 作为中提琴手在瓦拉瓦拉交响乐团演出多年,担任首席小提琴手12年. This scholarship is awarded to music composition or string students.

H. Lloyd Leno Memorial 音乐奖学金

这项奖学金是以WWU校友和前音乐教授H. Lloyd Leno. He directed the college band and taught wind instruments, in addition to writing about church music and completing a doctorate. After learning that Leno was struggling with a life-threatening illness, 他的朋友和以前的学生为他筹集了设立奖学金所需的资金. 他于1998年去世. This scholarship is awarded to brass students.

John J. 哈夫纳音乐奖学金

This scholarship endowment was named for former WWU music professor John J. Hafner. 他在基督复临教会机构从事了数十年的音乐教学工作,之后在该大学的音乐系工作了11年. WWU awarded him the honorary rank of emeritus professor in 1985. 哈夫纳于2001年去世.This scholarship is awarded to strings students.



Mary Garner Esary Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship endowment was named for Mary Garner Esary. A teacher who began her career at her former high school, 沃拉沃拉高中, after graduating from local Whitman College in 1931, Esary decided to return to school in the 1960s. 她联系了华盛顿大学,但被告知她在沃拉沃拉学院也可以做得很好, where she earned a master’s degree in education. This scholarship is used to support first-year music students.

Melvin K. 西部音乐奖学金

该奖学金以1959年至1977年在该系任教的前音乐系系主任梅尔文·韦斯特的名字命名. 韦斯特的成就, 他带头将管风琴带到沃拉沃拉大学教堂, 在一场音乐会上,他演奏了许多作品,展示了管风琴的多功能性. With former professor Loren Dickinson, 韦斯特也开始了晚祷, the Saturday evening vespers program that continues today. This scholarship is awarded to an organ student.


This is an annual scholarship funded by supporters of the Music Department. This scholarship is awarded to music students.




这项奖学金由琼·奥格登创立,以纪念她已故的丈夫奥兰·奥格登. Ogden spent his childhood in College Place, 他的父亲在1920年到1927年担任沃拉沃拉大学董事会主席. When his family moved to Seattle, he began a career in music. 奥格登参与了许多成功的商业投资,但他的初恋是音乐. 他和他的妻子帮助许多学校和教堂以很大的折扣获得乐器. 奥格登于2003年去世. This scholarship is awarded to music majors.


This scholarship endowment was named for Stanley Walker, who began his career at WWU as the keyboard instructor in 1935. During his 24 years as part of the music department, 沃克获得了西北大学钢琴专业的本科和研究生学位. 在大学工作的最后14年里,他担任音乐系系主任. This scholarship is awarded to a keyboard student.


该奖学金的金额为每人每年2000美元,是根据秋季学期开始时举行的试镜颁发的. 请联系博士. 帕梅拉·克雷斯 pam.cress@theweddingringblog.com 了解更多信息.

这项奖学金是由罗杰·伍德拉夫和克里斯塔·伍德拉夫夫妇创立的,以感谢他们的孩子在世界大学期间作为弦乐四重奏成员的经历. Through currently an annually funded scholarship, 伍德拉夫夫妇和音乐系有兴趣把这笔资金增加到捐赠水平, allowing it support students in perpetuity.

This scholarship is awarded to the members of the string quartet.

Yvonne Pickett Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship endowment was named for Yvonne Pickett. In addition to motherhood and her career, Pickett was an active community volunteer, 包括政治工作. 丈夫去世后不久,她的儿子也因童年时患关节炎而去世. 在这些损失之后寻求安慰, she returned to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 她成长的教堂, and became friends with an individual familiar with Walla Walla College. 皮克特很感激儿子在公立大学得到的帮助,并想成立一个类似的基金来帮助学生. This scholarship is used to help music students attend WWU.